How to keep your back strong: healthy posture at work increases your productivity!

Everyday office life can be a real back-breaker! Eight hours or more at your desk? That's exhausting - but there are other ways! With a few simple tricks, you can not only become healthier, but also more productive.

Healthy posture = more power at work!

Who would have thought that the right posture could make such a difference? With a healthy posture at work, you can concentrate better and have more energy in everyday life. By sitting correctly and taking regular breaks to move, you can effectively prevent tension and fatigue. An ergonomically designed workplace ensures that you stay productive for longer and feel better at the same time.

The insider tip for more energy: exercise!

In a stressful working day, it is crucial to take short breaks to recharge your batteries. Just standing up and taking a few steps across the room can work wonders. Movement gets the circulation going, oxygenates the brain and thus increases concentration and productivity. Use phone calls to work standing up or walk around - this not only creates movement, but also a fresh head. Regular stretching exercises or light sports sessions can be easily integrated into the day and prevent physical complaints such as tension. Whether in the office or working from home, movement is the key to more energy and well-being.

Ergonomic tips for everyday life - how to make it work!

Make sure you have the right workstation with ergonomic tips:

- Adjust the chair correctly: Feet flat on the floor, knees at right angles.

- Position the screen at eye level to avoid neck strain.

- Use an ergonomic mouse and keyboard to prevent wrist pain.

- Stand up and stretch regularly to promote blood circulation.

- Adjust workplace lighting to reduce eye strain.

- Sit correctly: Back straight, shoulders relaxed, forearms at desk height.


A healthy working day starts with regular breaks and sufficient exercise. Make sure you take the strain off your body by adopting an ergonomic sitting posture and integrate small exercises into your daily routine. This will keep you fit, productive and feeling good even after a long working day. With e-learning videos, nothing stands in the way of a healthy working day. These learning videos are the perfect companion for more energy and well-being at work!