Fast-paced life, and pressure to perform characterize the everyday working life of our time. But while one deadline often chases the next, the mental health of the employee falls by the wayside. Constant stress and overwork in the job can lead to permanent damage to health. Characterized by a feeling of emotional exhaustion, mental overload or reduced performance satisfaction, the burn-out syndrome can bring everyday working life to a sudden halt. In Germany, around one in two people feel threatened by burnout. But it does not have to come to that. Because those who know the little energy thieves in everyday working life and consciously manage them save not only time but also valuable energy.

Prevent overload with daily routines and prioritised task management

A full schedule can be a heavy burden – especially when meetings, conferences and calls take up more time than the day has hours. This makes it all the more important to create daily routines and consciously prioritize all activities. The word "no" plays a decisive role here. Only in this way can a structured daily routine succeed even in hectic times. Make a strict distinction between work and relaxation phases and always devote your full attention to a designated task. It is important to concentrate on those tasks that are both important and urgent. You should delegate all other tasks wherever possible. Take your time to reflect regularly on your own performance and successes.

Manage the day consciously and actively switch off daily energy thieves

With these simple tips, you can identify and consistently eliminate everyday energy thieves. Use your resources consciously and create a fixed daily structure. Our new e-learning "Daily energy thieves – get rid of them and get going" shows the causes of stress at work, the threats it can pose and the strategies employees can use to effectively counter them. Thanks to the innovative format, this training can also be implemented company-wide – multilingual solutions are also possible. In this way, companies increase awareness of this topic and make an active contribution to the well-being and health of their employees.